회사 소개
주식회사 에어로솔루션즈는 항공·우주·국방 분야의 차별화된 전문성과 20년 이상 축적된 실무경험을 갖춘 항공우주 전문가를 중심으로, 2020년에 설립된 항공우주 무인기술 전문업체입니다. 당사는 감시정찰, 통신중계, 지상공격 등 다양한 임무에 변경없이 사용 가능한 공통 플랫폼 무인항공기(일명 블랙스완)를 개발하였습니다. 또한, 최근에는 UAM/버티포트, 영상레이더(SAR) 소형위성, 공항 원격관제시스템, 소방드론 등을 개발 중이며, 항공·위성·국방 분야 사업기획 및 다양한 컨설팅 사업을 수행하고 있습니다.
Aero Solutions Co., Ltd. was established in 2020 with aerospace experts with practical experience accumulated for more than 20 years. We have developed a Common Platform UAV, also known as Black Swan, that can be used without any change for various missions such as surveillance and reconnaissance, communication relay, ground attack, and so on. In addition, we are currently developing UAM/Vertiport, SAR Satellite, Airport Remote Tower System, and Fire-Fighting Drone, and are carrying out National R&D project planning and consulting in the aerospace and defense sector.
Aero Solutions Co., Ltd. was established in 2020 with aerospace experts with practical experience accumulated for more than 20 years. We have developed a Common Platform UAV, also known as Black Swan, that can be used without any change for various missions such as surveillance and reconnaissance, communication relay, ground attack, and so on. In addition, we are currently developing UAM/Vertiport, SAR Satellite, Airport Remote Tower System, and Fire-Fighting Drone, and are carrying out National R&D project planning and consulting in the aerospace and defense sector.
주요 품목
- 블랙스완(공통 플랫폼 무인항공기)
- 소형 무인항공기 탑재용 영상레이더(SAR)
- 고층건물 화재진압용 소방드론
- Black Swan (Common Platform UAV)
- SAR for small UAVs
- Fire-Fighting Drone for High-rise Building Fire Suppression
- 소형 무인항공기 탑재용 영상레이더(SAR)
- 고층건물 화재진압용 소방드론
- Black Swan (Common Platform UAV)
- SAR for small UAVs
- Fire-Fighting Drone for High-rise Building Fire Suppression