- www.ketti.kr
회사 소개
에스아이오티(주)는 그린 환경과 국민 생활 안전을 최우선 가치로 삼아, 새로운 기술과 다양한 고객 요구에 대응하기 위해 AI·IoT 원격제어 기술을 기반으로, 드론 운용 플랫폼(스테이션 및 관제시스템), AI 영상/음향 모니터링 시스템 및 원격 제어시스템을 주력으로 사업화하고 있습니다.
With the green environment and public safety as the top priority, SIoT is focusing on drone operation platforms (drone station and control systems), AI image/sound monitoring systems, and remote control systems based on new technologies and AI and IoT remote control technologies to meet various customer needs.
With the green environment and public safety as the top priority, SIoT is focusing on drone operation platforms (drone station and control systems), AI image/sound monitoring systems, and remote control systems based on new technologies and AI and IoT remote control technologies to meet various customer needs.
주요 품목
드론 스테이션은 드론의 무인자율·원격 임무 지원, 다수 드론 통합관제 및 운용·관리를 위한 시스템입니다. 운용시스템의 체계화를 통해 드론 운용력 향상 등 모든 분야 적용이 가능하며, 무인·자율운용 기반으로 도서산간지역, 해안 등 원하는 현장에서 지속적인 임무 수행이 가능합니다.
Drone Station is a system for unmanned autonomous and remote mission support of drones, integrated control and operation of many drones. It can be applied to all fields such as improved drone operation, and based on unmanned and autonomous operation, it can continue to perform missions at all sites you want.
Drone Station is a system for unmanned autonomous and remote mission support of drones, integrated control and operation of many drones. It can be applied to all fields such as improved drone operation, and based on unmanned and autonomous operation, it can continue to perform missions at all sites you want.